Migraine Headache Relief


Migraines are very painful. They are almost as painful as actual injuries. There are different ways to treat migraines, such as medication. There are also ways to prevent a migraine from happening by taking good care of your health. Regardless, you should know how to cope with and manage migraine pain when it happens.

Aside from medication, you can reduce the severity and frequency of your migraines by making simple lifestyle choices that help promote good health. Taking these behavioral methods can be an effective way of handling migraines.


To relieve yourself at the first sign of a migraine, find a calm environment. Pull yourself away from your usual activities. Turn off the lights because your migraine can increase your sensitivity to sound and light. Find a dark quiet room to relax in and try to sleep if you can.

A change in body temperature might help. Apply cold or hot compress on your head or neck. A cold compress helps to numb or dull the sensation caused by pain. Hot compress helps relax your tensed muscles. Taking warm showers or hot baths are also therapeutic and has the same relaxing effect.

For migraine headache relief, take a small sip of caffeine and be careful not to drink too much. Caffeine can help relieve the pain during the early stages of a migraine. It can also enhance the effects of acetaminophen, aspirin and other medications. Take only a small amount to avoid withdrawal headaches later on.


Lack of sleep and poor sleeping habits can trigger migraines. It can keep you up and you might find it very difficult to fall asleep. It would help if you established regular sleeping hours daily. Take short naps during the day, if it takes more than 20 to 30 minutes it may interfere with your sleep at night.

Find time to relax and unwind after work or at the end of the day. It helps give you better sleep at night. You can take a warm bath, listen to soft music or read a good book. Also, watch what you eat and drink, especially before bedtime. Avoid taking heavy meals, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, and exercise, all of which can interfere with your nighttime sleep.

Limit watching TV and taking your work with you to bed. Minimize distractions in your room. Don’t force yourself to sleep as it will only make you feel more awake. Try to read until you get sleepy. Check your medications and ensure that there is no caffeine content and other stimulants that might hinder or interfere with your sleep.

Food intake

Your eating habits are a big influence. Try to eat at the same time daily and avoid skipping meals. Fasting may increase the risk of migraines. If it helps, you can try to keep track of the food that you eat and write down the times when you experience migraines. Having a journal can help you track and identify any potential food that triggers your migraine.

Once you have identified what type of food triggers your migraine, avoid them. Eliminate it from your diet if you can. Then see what happens after you avoid or eliminate those suspected foods that trigger a migraine.


Exercising helps release chemicals into your brain that block pain signals. They can also help to relieve anxiety and depression, which happens to make some migraines worse. Maintain a healthy weight through proper exercise and diet to provide additional health benefits and help you manage migraines.

Don’t overdo it though because too much exercise can also trigger migraines. Start by walking, jogging, swimming, and riding a bicycle. Those are good cardio exercises that can help you maintain your weight. Obesity increases the risk of many chronic diseases that is why it is important to exercise.


Migraines cause stress and vice versa. They go hand in hand. Stress cannot be avoided but it can be managed and controlled. Live a simple life and manage time wisely. Make a list of things that you have to do and delegate some of the tasks.

Take a break every time you feel overwhelmed. There is no need for you to push yourself to finish a task. Stretching and walking can help relieve stress and renew your energy. Find time to enjoy and do something that you like at least for 15 minutes every day.

Positivity helps a lot in every situation. Relax and take deep breathing exercises. Inhale and exhale slowly for at least 10 minutes every day to keep all the negativity away. Deep breathing helps relax your muscles.